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Curtain Wall Glass Façade

Curtain Wall Glass FaçadeStructure:Stick system:Unitized system:Advantages of using Curtain Wall Glass Facade:Specification of Curtin Wall Glass Facade Execution by Concept Engineering Office:Materials:Glass Curtain Wallself-support structureThe use of Glass in the Curtain Wall FaçadeGlass Curtain WallSpecifications of Curtain Wall Façade
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Curtain Wall Glass Façade

The curtain wall façade is a kind of non-structural covering system of the exterior of the building. in addition to the task of separating spaces. Also, it reduces the dead load from the building, because it has a separate load-bearing.

The curtain wall façade bears no other weight than its weight. Besides, it highly resistant to water penetration, heat, and cold exchange, wind pressure fluctuations, earthquake force, and immediate building shocks due to its special structure.

Curtain Wall Glass Façade


Generally, the curtain wall consists of two main materials, first is the main structure of the aluminum holder, and the second is the filler material, which can be glass or anything else. Designers design this type of facade based on extruded aluminum profiles that generally they use glass as filling materials between aluminum frames. However, other materials can be used, including composite sheets, painted cement board fibers, wood, polycarbonate, and so on.

Steps and methods of executing the curtain wall façade:

Stick system:

The most common method of installing and executing a curtain wall is the stick method. In this method executor cut, assemble the various components of the main structure, including vertical and horizontal lamella at the project site. Secondly, he installs the components separately on the building body. Then he places the glass or other filler material inside aluminum frames and he will complete the installation process.

Curtain Wall Glass Façade

Unitized system:

In this method, the manufacturer’s factory will do most of all machining and assembly of the main structure of the curtain wall façade. In addition, the factory will do even the assembly of the main and secondary connections, fittings, and washers. Then, our coworkers will ready these products in small and lighter sizes. And they load and transport these products to the workshop.

The main advantage of this method is the high-quality control of continuous execution. besides, it will have a better result, but it has a higher cost.

Curtain Wall Glass Façade

Advantages of using Curtain Wall Glass Facade:

  1. reducing the dead load on the building structure, because of Lightness of the facade structure
  2. Using modulation with large dimensions and thus creating a suitable landscape
  3. Unique beauty and very good strength
  4. Joint infrastructure to reduce earthquake hazards and building shocks
  5. Using glass to use natural light with the ability to control it by the different glass.

Specification of Curtin Wall Glass Facade Execution by Concept Engineering Office:

  1. Using a variety of Turkish profiles such as Cuhadaroglu, AKPA, ASAŞ, Saray, and Iranian high-quality brands such as ASAŞ, Saray, Lorenzo, AKPA Iran, and other exclusive brands.
  2. experienced executive teams and committed to professional ethics
  3. Using high quality and durable Turkish EPDM washers
  4. Use angles and brackets with bean holes to create a fully articulated substructure to reduce earthquake and building shocks.
  5. Very high commitment and motivation for timely delivery and execution of the project.
  6. Completely competitive quality and price
  7. Statistical calculations of Curtain Wall Glass Façade and Frameless Glass Façade
  8. Details of Curtain Wall glass facade profiles
  9. Glass facade structures and aluminum doors and windows of AKPA
Curtain Wall Glass Façade


It is interesting to know that most of the world’s era, from classical to modern and postmodern, have started with the art of architecture and we see the first periodic changes in the buildings of architects. Under these conditions, materials did not lag behind the caravan of change and progressed in accordance with human architecture and needs. Today, we want to introduce the Curtain Wall facade to the readers. So stay with us to find out more!

Glass Curtain Wall

What is Curtain Wall Façade?

Let’s first see what Curtain Wall is. this word takes our minds to the two parts of the word, the wall, and the curtain.

The wall is a kind of cover and separator, and the curtain indicates lightweight and transparency. According to this explanation, the curtain wall facade covers the exterior of the building, which is usually made of aluminum and glass frames next to each other in a lattice shape. This facade is one of the dry facades.

self-support structure

Curtain Wall Glass Façade

The curtain wall in slang refers to the exterior glass cover of a building, which is not the main structure of the building. In other words, it never carries a dead load from the building, and the only force that it carries is its weight and wind force. These loads will be applied according to the climatic position and height of the building. The only purpose of the curtain wall, in addition to the beauty of the facade, is to separate the weather and atmospheric conditions from inside the building.

The use of Glass in the Curtain Wall Façade

Glass Curtain Wall Façade is one of the most popular types of glass facades. Since Curtain Wall is not a component of the building, it can be made of lighter aluminum materials to reduce building costs.

Glass Curtain Wall

When you use a glass curtain wall, it is a great advantage because more light can enter the building. The advantage of using glass among metal molds, in addition to being beautiful, is to provide light during the day. Curtain Wall facade is the best glass facade of the building in terms of structural issues at high altitudes.

Specifications of Curtain Wall Façade

curtain wall façade

In conclusion, as mentioned above, one of the main specifications of this facade is the insulation of the building. Also, this new material has other advantages, that we mention some of them below:

  • Complete insulation of moisture, heat, and noise
  • Optimizing the transfer of light and ambient temperature to the building
  • Reducing building energy consumption
  • The lightweight of the structure and reduced dead load
  • High speed of execution and installation
  • Beauty and charm at night and day
  • Economic affordability
  • Proper tension behavior in an earthquake and building shocks

You can contact us to buy and sell these products.

Types and examples of curtain wall construction and execution

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