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Repair and maintenance of a dedicated template

our company

Repair and maintenance of a dedicated template

The maintenance of the mold is very important.
the special steel molds that are produced to produce aluminum sections are often expensive and very difficult to restore, and therefore their regular and timely repairs are among the necessities of every manufacturer.

In the maintenance and repair of the mold, attention should be paid to the following factors:

1- The material of the mold, which is made of soft steel or hard steel, is different in terms of life and maintenance conditions. And the life of soft molds is less than hard molds.

2- The material of the manufactured part is one of the effective factors in mold maintenance and affects the time a mold wears out.
and if you use parts whose materials have glass fibers or talcum powder additives, it causes faster wear and destruction. be made Also.
materials that have a higher melting point cause more wear in the mold.
And materials that produce corrosive gas also cause more abrasion of the surface of the mold and wear it out sooner.

Complexity of the template

Molds with many moving parts or molds with close tolerances require more maintenance and care than simple.
non-mechanized molds or molds with relatively open tolerances.


In the following cases, the wrong use of the mold will cause the mold to wear out sooner. So keep the following things in mind when using the template.

Due to the excessive pressure of the mold lock,

excessive injection pressure,

presence of pleats, fast mold operation (fast opening and closing),

Insufficient or improper lubrication,

The performance of the page in a multi-stage manner,

Accidents of the mold during closing or closing of the mold during incomplete cutting of the part or carelessness in adjusting and installing the molds.
the mold can be broken and worn.

Because the cost of mold production has increased due to the high cost of steel, paying attention to the above items can increase the lifespan of the mold.
But note that each mold has the ability to produce a certain tonnage according to the type of steel.
and after that you have to change the mold again.

After a period of tonnage production, the molds have increased due to the wear of the filler and the delicacy of the produced products has also decreased.

which means that production with such a mold is not economical, and in this case.
they will try to produce a new mold to continue production.



our company

valid Aluminum (production of aluminum products)

*Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres*
Valid Aluminum Co., Tehran office

*Has a professional and experienced team in the field of implementation and supply of tools

* Production of special molds

* Supply of goods inside and outside the country

* Has active offices in Tehran and Karaj

* Manufactured product made from billet 6063

* Manufactured goods made from alloy billet at a reasonable price

*Experienced consulting team in the field of implementation and supply of tools

*Has active workers which respond to questions that happen for you to have about our products

*our company offers a lot of diffrent informations about the products within the range of it’s works

*by buying products from our company getting the materials that you want you’re almost garenteed to get them at a cheeper price then the other companies

*our company also offers even more information about diffrent kinds of products that you can reach by going to the sites that belong to Valid Aluminum

*our community is a hard working one so we would like it to be treat as such

*the way of communication could be through the apps like Whatsapp and (telegram: +989163079083) which we have the most active members there and
for cell calls (+989127351907)

* our company and their CEO has tried really hard to have the out most professionality and so, they have achived it

*when it come to the time for selling the products we have the out most trust to you and we expect it in return
cell phone :

Mr : Valid : 0016042564683


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