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Curtain wall sections in aluminum structures

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Combined Curtain Wall detail

Curtain wall sections in aluminum structures

Curtain wall is one of the modern facades in the architecture industry. This facade, which is in the form of glass and metal sections, is also known as the glass wall.

Different types can be selected and installed in this facade or glass wall. In the installation of different types of curtain wall facades, the installation system is almost the same and the only difference is in the type of detail or the exterior and the appearance of the building.

This facade has very simple installation and details, but at the same time.
you should use an expert installer for the installation so that your structure is completely engineered and implemented.

The difference between the curtain wall facade and other building facades

Curtain wall facade is a system that is non-structural and its uses are for the exterior wall of the building. This facade is mostly used for office or commercial buildings and malls and even large restaurants or hotels, and in fact it is mostly used for tall buildings.

Curtain wall actually means that your glass facade is connected to the main wall of the building like a wall and curtain. In this view, there will be no weight of this curtain wall on the main structure of the building.

Implementation of curtain wall view

The facade of the curtain wall is designed from glass and aluminum sections. This main column facade is designed from curtain wall lamellas in two vertical and horizontal sections.
that these two sections will be designed as a network and also connected to each other.

The grid-like design, which is created by connecting the horizontal and also vertical lamellas.
is mounted on these sections at the end of the glass and also secured by tools.

The difference between the facade of the curtain wall as well as other examples of the building

The very obvious difference between curtain wall as well as other facades of the building is the great role of this facade in the beauty of the building design. The different beauty of curtain wall in tall buildings will definitely catch the eyes of all viewers.

One of the most versatile types of curtain wall is curtain wall face cap. In this model.
one section of the lamella is removed, and finally glue is used to place the glass in the desired location.

The curtain wall system is usually made of extruded aluminum frames. And it is combined and designed with other sections of the facade such as glass or stone cladding or metal panels.

From the different designs that you saw in commercial structures.
you can understand that you can use a lot of creativity and also innovation in the design of this structure and it can also be designed and installed in different ways.

In office or commercial buildings, branding or being special is one of the advantages of that place.

Combined Curtain Wall detail

our company

valid Aluminum (production of aluminum products)

*Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres*
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