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Frameless system in the facade of the building

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frameless facade and glass

Frameless system in the facade of the building

The frameless view basically means the view without form. But basically we say to the views that you don’t see any profile in the outside angle of your building, or the amount of profile view from the outside view is very small, and you only see a thin layer of profile that is built to make a frame that glass be placed in it

You will find this widely used facade in many large commercial or central office buildings. In the frameless view, you see more of the glass view.

How frameless view works

This facade system has a frame that holds the glass from the back like a frame, and the weight of this glass is placed on the horizontal slats and the slats are held by special aluminum sliding pieces or fixes.

Frameless curtain wall facade has gained many fans for the more beautiful appearance of the building in this facade.

What buildings use frameless facade?

This glass facade is mostly used for central office or large commercial buildings and malls.

Due to the beauty and uniqueness of this view, many designers and employers want to use this view in certain buildings.

The glass facade of Ephraim Less is also known as the glass wall, which is known by this name because of the special shape of this section. which separates the inside of the building from the outside like a wall.


Features of frameless view

This façade acts as a border between the main structure of the building and the Lamel facade.

This facade plays a role due to the use of gaskets and hidden tires for sealing and air sealing and even sound insulation.

This facade provides sound and heat insulation.

You can order this facade of the highest quality and the best price.

This facade is light in weight and carries its own weight.

as well as does not add additional load to the building.

and it also doubles the attraction of the building.

This facade is mostly used in tall buildings.

Frameless glass

The uniform beauty of frameless glass and the integration of the installation system of this facade have led to its increasing use in today’s modern buildings.

The glass is the first word in this view. The glass material and its color are very important in frameless curtain wall.

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valid Aluminum (production of aluminum products)

*Types of thermal, normal, and curtain wall profiles, types of louvres*
Valid Aluminum Co., Tehran office

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